things to know before joining merchant navy

Joining the merchant navy is a dream of many. Traveling on a ship and getting paid for it sounds enticing, making this job one of the best and tempting to build a career in it.
So, if you are also one of those looking to step into this career, wait for a second.
We have enumerated crucial points to focus on before you join the merchant navy.

Join Merchant Navy – 8 Points to Consider


There is no job out there that doesn’t require an education qualification. For a merchant navy post, it’s necessary to have the appropriate skill set. To get enrolled in a course, you need to have the proper qualification to get enrolled in the course.
There are multiple courses available in India with different qualifications, and you can even start your navy journey after completing the 10th.

Choosing Right Job

From technical to non-technical professionals, the merchant navy has many job opportunities, such as radio office, captain, non-disabled seamen, chefs, first mate, & second mate.
You can join any of the positions according to the skills & capabilities that are best for you.

Health & Fitness

Before you jump into sea life, it’s crucial to be both physically & mentally fit to face different situations onboard.
Health & physical tests are carried out at regular intervals that are conducted at regular intervals, and failure leads to termination of the course.

Sacrifice Social Life

Another central point to consider is the time spent offshore. If you are from those who can’t live a social life for long, it’s better to stay away from sea life jobs. Due to the extent of work & limited free time to pursue a social interest, a ship life can be hectic and challenging for a person.

Personality & Attitude

Seeing & interacting with the same person over a couple of months automatically harbor resentment within an individual. People with a stable mental condition tend to keep it up throughout their contract with positive energy & good attitude. So, before you join, ensure to know what kind of person & personality trait you have.

Job Security & Salary

Ship jobs are considered one of the best jobs with high-paying salaries. Jobs at sea are cyclical in the shipping industry, and there is a slowdown in jobs & recruitment at entry-level jobs.

Tax-Free Income

One of the best things about ship jobs is that the salary earned is tax-free. However, completing the sea time in the same financial year is vital to claim tax-free income.
In India, the income earned from a foreign country is not taxable, only if the individual remains outside the country for more than 183 days.

Family Onboard

The family of a merchant navy officer can be on board only if the company and all the company’s norms have complied with it. A family can be a wife & kids but not the parents. However, it all depends on the capacity of the ship.

The Bottom Line

Merchant navy indeed is one of the most adventurous & flourishing career options with new challenges & opportunities each day.
Before you join the merchant navy, it’s essential to go through all of these points so that you don’t get deceived at any point.
At CMS, we help you in joining & selecting the merchant navy by preparing well for your career growth.
Reach out to our college at Maritime Studies experts today & boost your career.